Learn Which Zodiac Signs Are Family Friendly and Which Ones Aren’t
Home for the holidays has all the makings of a Hallmark Special but for many bringing home your new certain someone–-gives more Stephen King movie vibes.
Politics, relationship status, and life path are all topics of conversation that can make the holidays(especially this year) more than a little tense. So here are The Top 3 Family-Friendly Zodiac Signs that will make the holiday get-together a little more tension-free (and the ones who won’t!)
The Top 3 Zodiac Signs You WANT To Bring Home For the Holidays

Let’s be honest, some Zodiac Signs are just a tad easier to get along with than others. That doesn’t make them better or worse, but when you are bringing someone home for the holidays you want everyone to play nice. The New York Times reports the holidays as one of the top stressors with a 41% increase in stress around that time of year! A big part of that is due to tension-filled family functions. But not to worry, because you can quell your family function stress, with a few Zodiac Signs that can help soothe tense scenarios.
Here are the Top 3 Zodiac Signs that will make meeting the family, a touch easier on your nervous system(and the ones who won’t!)
(If You Don’t Know You Or Your Partner’s Zodiac Sign—Click Here!)
Taurus 🎅

If you want a sign that will dress to impress, a Venus-ruled Taurus is going to be a fan favorite every time. Being ruled by Venus makes them lovers of luxury meaning they are likely to show up dressed in their holiday best.
The easy-going earth sign gets along fairly well with almost every other sign on the zodiac, making them a real crowd-pleaser. Also, as lovers of sensuality, they adore cozy evenings by the fire--perfect for nights of board games and comfortable conversations.
If you want your holiday get-together to go smoothly, a Taurus is a great addition to any family gathering.
P.S. Even someone with Taurus as their Sun, Moon, or Rising Sign can show up with this calming and grounding influence.
Libra 🎄

Libras are the peacemakers of the zodiac. With an uncanny ability to take everyone’s opinions and feelings into consideration, they can even out an otherwise unruly room with the greatest of ease.
They are great avoiders of conflict, ensuring a peaceful presence wherever they may roam. I can’t think of a better quality to bring home to a triggering family function than a little peace and silent night vibes.
If you happen to be lucky enough to find yourself in the love light of a Libra, then you are in for a joyful and generally peaceful holiday season with the family.
Leo 🧣

If you are looking for the life of any party, look no further than Leo. Charming, charismatic, and gregarious, there is no better addition to any holiday event than the king(or queen) of the jungle.
They are sure to shine a light on your most positive qualities and they have the uncanny ability to make everyone around them feel like a movie star. Their spotlight shines bright and in a potentially dismal family event, that is a saving grace.
If you want to not just attend a party but bring the party, then invite a Leo to your holiday family gathering.
The Top 3 Zodiac Signs Best Left Behind
All of the zodiac signs have their individual strengths and weaknesses. Some are made for family get-togethers and some are better off in the White House. Born leaders, strong personalities, or intense energetics can make a family gathering all the more triggering. So with the best of intentions, here are a few of the signs you might consider leaving out of an already overly tense family fest.
Aries 🧣

Aries is the fiery first sign of the zodiac, and they like to be in charge. They know how to get things done, unfortunately in order to do that they often have to breathe a little fire. They can be reactive when things or people don’t go their way and are known to interrupt or override other people’s opinions.
They are no strangers to conflict and have no problem putting people in their place or speaking their minds. While they are often charming and charismatic, their fiery responses and ram-like stubbornness can make them difficult guests at family gatherings.
*(But if you are looking for a holiday adventure buddy, Aries is your sign!)
Scorpio 🎅

It’s hard not to fall for the loyal and dedicated water sign of Scorpio. As partners and lovers their loyalty is unmatched, but as vengeance-seeking little stingers, they are also unmatched. Scorpios, like Aries, can tend towards reactivity and confrontation, and if they feel they are crossed or wronged, they are unafraid to sting back.
If you are looking for a sign that is cool as a cucumber, that could hold up under Aunt Jean’s barrage of passive-aggressive comments(without adding their own) look elsewhere. Scorpio has many amazing qualities, but being laid back is not one of them.
*(If you are opting for a cozy, fireside, and intensely intimate holiday season at home, look no further than a Scorpio companion.)
Gemini ⛄

While very social and gregarious, Gemini isn’t the sign of the twins for nothing, they are able to flip opinions and change their minds on a dime. They tend to speak their mind, whatever may cross it. Geminis are charming and adept communicators, yet their free-flowing freedom of speech is not everyone’s cup of tea.
Offending others is not their intention, yet it is also not top of their avoidance list. They can also tend to change their mind about people and relationships fairly quickly, so you could even wake up Christmas morning to the surprise of an empty guest room!
*(If you are ready to blow wherever the breeze takes you, on whatever holiday venture might come your way, Gemini is your best bet!)
To Sum It Up….
Each Zodiac Sign has its strengths and weaknesses, its more loveable qualities, and the ones that could use a little love.
Yet when looking for the perfect “meeting the parent” partner, these are three signs that will outshine the rest, and the other three, maybe consider making alternate plans with… Just a thought.
Working With Your Partner’s Astrology Can Ensure Peace and Love Are Prominent This Holiday Season!