Lunar Lifestyle Resources
–>These are the Same Resources I Use And Love!
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Lunar Luxury
(For Zodiac-Inspired Gifts–Check Out The Holiday Gift Guide! )
(Visit Art of Root and Use My Special Discount Code “bethanynicole” for 10%off!)
Tools Of The Trade
Purple Canyon’s Beginner Kit is one of my favorites–it includes sage, palo santo, and all the tools of the trade you’ll need!
Palo Santo- Ethically sourced pure Palo Santo straight from Peru!
Satya Incense – Clean burning, wonderful smelling Nag Champa scented, and more incense sticks.
Folkulture Incense – Themed and intention-based incense for everyday use.
Alexis Smart Flower Remedies– Dip your toes(and tongue!) into floral remedies and flower essentials. A cure for every ill this stuff really works!
Art of The Root– Conjuring Oils, Potions, Essential Oils, and More… Your one-stop shop for all things ritual.
Shaman’s Dawn– Sprays, Oil, Candles- these all smell incredible and work even better than they smell!
Beeswax Tea Candles – You can’t be too careful- and these beeswax candles are paraffin and pesticide-free. Perfect for rituals or everyday use.
Art of The Root Conjuring Candles – Bring in that which you seek with these intention-based candles.
Milk Thistle Tea is the skincare trend that even the Barbie movie’s (Margot Robbie swears by)
Holy Basil Tea– This special tea is a superfighter of carcinogens and other toxins. It improves circulation and respiration and allows for heightened intuition.
Stress-Free Holiday Tea – The perfect remedy for post-holiday high-octane family activities. While the mint is holiday-themed, it’s perfect all year long, peace of mind really is the gift that keeps on giving!
Love Spells
Rose Quartz–Rose quartz is the definitive crystal for bringing in love, connection, and even marriage.
Ruby- Passion, purpose, and intimacy are what you connect with when you access the power of Ruby.
Moss Agate- Connecting with the earth can help anchor in a soulmate potential in the physical. Try this stone when you feel like your head or partnership is still stuck in the clouds.
Dried Rose Petals- Use this in your altar practices or bath time rituals!
Dried Lavender Bundles –Decorate your space with these and enjoy the alluring aroma all day long.
Alexis Smart Flower Remedies-These are organic floral oral remedies meant to help clear out blocks, bring up your vibe, and bring in love!
Art Of The Root– Love and Attraction Candle Collection- Bring in that which you seek with these special manifestation and intention candles.
(Don’t Forget To Use My Coupon Code “bethanynicole” for 10% Off!)
Red Candles , White Candles and Black Candles– Red for passion and love, white for innocence, purity and clean connection, black for binding/blocking unwanted energetics, attention or intention.
Art Of The Root– Love And Attraction Conjuring Oils– Perfect to amp up any ritual or manifestation practice!
Shaman’s Dawn– Love Spray- This stuff smells like heaven. And brings in comfort, attraction, and romantic intention like I’ve never seen.
Art Of The Root-Love And Attraction Spray– Spray on yourself, your room or line your candle with dots and dashes of it. This multi-use spray is sure to bring in the love and life you seek.
Skylar– Vanilla Sky and Fall Cashmere– Warm, nurturing, and intimate scents like vanilla, are a great way to bring in that special someone.