The Ultimate Guide To Your Perfect Cuffing Season Companion by Zodiac Sign 🍁🍂
Cuffing Season is upon us! This time of year can feel especially hectic in the realm of relationships. It is almost like a game of musical chairs with people fast exiting out of relationships or diving headfirst into new ones. There’s clamoring, there’s chaos, yet there’s coziness?
Yes, there is just something about the leaves falling and the promise of pumpkin spice candles and cozy blankets that cause us all to just want to couple up!
If you’re feeling this call of nature–don’t worry! It’s totally natural. Biological and astrological too! Zodiac Compatibility can help us navigate this confusing time!
What Is Cuffing Season?

Cuffing Season is that special time of year when people want to get “cuffed.” Basically, they want to couple up before the long, lonely winter months descend. There are a lot of reasons for its occurrence from biological to astrological to simply not wanting to face family holiday functions solo.
Biologically when we cave up in the wintertime, we tend to want someone with us, it’s a whole caveman/woman survival thing. It’s also astrological as we descend into Libra season, the season of partnership. Besides, who wants to face another round of police interrogation-style questioning about our love life at a family function– alone?
Your Ideal Cuffing Season Companion by Zodiac Sign

The problem lies when the partnerships are rushed, unstable, or completely unaligned. It’s then that chaos generally ensues in the form of dark, cold winter months fraught with fights or hasty breakups come springtime. Hurt feelings, wasted time, and other side effects are generally the relationship hangover symptoms of a rushed Cuffing Season Coupling. So how to avoid that?
So glad you asked…
One way to avoid cuffing season chaos is to pick aligned partnerships, ones that you actually want to be in for more than just a season or a reason. Picking someone just because you think your parents will like them, to avoid loneliness, or just to make Instagram cute Christmas cards, is the type of thing that leads to problems down the road. Coupling up with someone and then discovering you don’t actually like spending time with them, can cause a mid-season mess. So one simple way to avoid all the unnecessary drama and chaos is to find someone you actually vibe with!
P.S. Be sure to check out the Relationship Red Flags of each zodiac sign(including yours!) to get all the best info.
Zodiac Compabitlity by Signs

So to help, I have created a cheatsheet of each Zodiac sign; what they like, who they are in relationships, and the partnerships that might fit them perfectly during this coziest of seasons. So here are the coziest coupled-up signs based on their zodiac compatibility.
Skip the drama of introducing someone you don’t like to your mama, and scroll down to find your sign and Perfect Cuffing Season Partner!
(For More Info On Zodiac Compatibility Make Sure To Check Out My Features In the People Magazine Zodiac Compatibility Series!)

Aries is a fire sign known for being the first sign of the Zodiac, and that is where they are most comfortable, out in front. They are born leaders and entrepreneurs and love doing things their way. True visionaries, they often require the freedom to move towards goals and dreams others don’t quite see yet.
That’s not to say they wouldn’t love some cozy, quiet time with their special someone but keeping a sense of mystery and adventure in the relationship is how to keep an Aries interested. Planning lots of festive fun-filled fall dates is a great way to create a sense of adventure and exploration in the relationship which just happens to be a few of Aries’s favorite things.
Likes: Being In Charge, Calling The Shots(espresso and otherwise), Fall Festivities and Freedom
Dislikes: Being Told What To Do, Stage 5 Clingers, Being Bored
Most Compatible:
Aries, Leo(Soulmate Sign) Gemini, Sag
Least Compatible:
Cancer,(Water Signs In General) Capricorn

Taurus are the ultimate lovers of luxury which means cozy blankets, scented candles, and comfy cuddles suit them just fine! Now all they need to complete their perfect home setup is a companion to go with it!
That being said Taurus can be the ultimate Cuffing Season offenders because they can tend towards what feels comfortable or secure vs. what is actually good for them in the long term.
Meaning they can get a little too cozy and not want to rock the boat, even if they know their partner might not be their special someone. So it’s going to be important for Taurus to really know what they are looking for, maybe even make a list, and stick to it! They also tend to find their soulmate–when they make the first move! Stepping out of their comfort zone is magic for their manifestation.
Likes: Fuzzy Blankets, Scented Candles, Comfortable Environments and Conversation
Dislikes: Stepping Out of their Comfort Zone, Scratchy Sweaters, No Time For Naps
Most Compatible
Cancer(Soulmate Sign), Virgo, Capricorn(other Earth Signs)—Scorpio can be a good match made in opposites heaven if an ability to compromise can be reached.
Least Compatible
Aries, Gemini, Aquarius

Gemini, an air sign, is the sign of the twins, and for good reason. They like to see things from all sides, all angles, and all viewpoints. Unfortunately, that can lead to quick shifts in viewpoints, affection, or interest. Meaning they can change their mind on a dime, which is often what gives them a bad rep in the dating world.
Yet when Gemini achieves balance in viewpoints their true inner wisdom can shine! They are naturally very intuitive and quick-moving with a love of knowledge and interesting pastimes and adventures. They are quite charming and overall a lot of fun!
(However, when it comes to Cuffing Season, they can also be prime culprits if they are not careful. When choosing a partnership they can be a little more seasonal than long term, someone they find interesting now, come spring they may be completely bored with. The medicine is to take a little longer than usual to see a person from all sides before cuffing up for the Fall Festivities.)
Likes: Learning, Adventures, New And Interesting People, Places and Ideas
Dislikes: Being Bored, Smotherers, Ultimatums, Making Up Their Mind
Most Compatible
Aries, Sag, Aquarius, Libra
Least Compatible
Cancer, Capricorn, (pretty much everyone else)

Cancer, a water sign, and the symbol of the crab is a fall favorite! Natural nurturers, they love nothing more than to cozy up in their favorite place–Home, with their favorite someone,–Their family! Cancers are some of the most loyal companions you will come across and they love creating a nurturing, comfortable environment for everyone. Yet the same way they can hold on to people, they can sometimes hold onto emotions. Cancer can stay stuck repeating situations and emotions that have long since passed, which unfortunately can keep them from moving on in the present.
Working to let go of past rejections and transgressions can keep them from wearing the jilted lover jacket for the entire fall season.
Likes: People/Places and Things That Feel Like Home
Dislikes: Change, Chaos, Rejection
Most Compatible
Taurus(Soulmate Sign), Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo
Least Compatible
Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius

Leo’s are the lovers of the Zodiac. They are passionate, loyal, and well—pretty! They love to preen, be seen, and stand out from the crowd. They are born leaders and performers and like to take charge whenever possible. They enjoy big grand gestures and displays of affection. Anything that puts them or their relationship in the spotlight, they are here for.
Sometimes however Leo’s can tend towards getting validation from the outside as opposed to within, meaning they can base relationships and partnerships based on how they look to others as opposed to how it feels to themselves. With so many photo-filled opportunities during the holiday season, this is something they will want to monitor very closely for themselves. otherwise, they could be looking at a shoe box of picture-perfect photos and memories, and no one to share them with!
Likes: Photo Opps, Passionate Romances, Being Front and Center
Dislikes: Not Being Seen or Heard(no one puts Leo in a corner!) Being Prioritized Last
Most Compatible
Aries(Soulmate Sign), Sagittarius, Gemini
Least Compatible
Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces

Pristine and ready to organize the scene! Immaculate-loving Virgo is an Earth sign that likes things to be just so. That can translate to their home, their business, and even their love lives! They thrive in committed relationships with solid boundaries and love to run around behind the scenes making their home a happy and very clean one. Acts of Service is a Love Language they truly understand as their sign’s mantra is “I Serve.” A clean, well-boundaried, and committed relationship is the key to this sign’s heart.
Likes/ Dislikes
Likes: Mr. Clean Commercials, Home Organizing, Committed Relationships
Dislikes: Disorder, Chaos, Wishy Washy Friends, Partners They Can’t Count On
Most Compatible
Capricorn(Soulmate Sign), Virgo, Taurus
Least Compatible
Gemini, Aquarius, Aries

Libra, the great lovers of balance, life, liberty, and of course, love. Libra is the sign of the scales for a reason, they love nothing more than to achieve balance in their lives and loves. As an air sign, they are very creative and crave freedom of movement and expression but make excellent partners as they are the literal sign of partnership.
They can tend to work hard to ensure other people feel happy and have their needs met, sometimes putting their own on the back burner for the sake of peace or balance. Yet remembering self-care is often the key to a happy, healthy relationship, will help even things out.
Likes: Even Scales, Peaceful Partnerships, a Balanced Love Life
Dislikes: Injustice, Conflict, Uneven Cabinets
Most Compatible
Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries(if a compromise can be reached)
Least Compatible
Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn

Scorpio, a water sign, is by far one of the most loyal signs of the Zodiac. Very ride or die and they do mean die. If you cross a Scorpio you are bound to feel the harsh retaliation of their stinger, they are not the sign of the scorpion for nothing. Yet within that intensity lies passion, purpose and an ability to transform that is uncanny. Scorpio is a partner you want on your side, they are capable of very deep connections and conversations and are very good at seeing the deepest, darkest desires of another.
Cuffing season is their perfect time, they love going into a deep, dark cave to transform during the colder months and they enjoy having someone to cave up with. They will take that time to make deep, transformative connections with their partner so finding the right companion for that will be essential for them.
Likes: Snuggling, Loyalty, The Souls Of Others
Dislikes: Shallow Connections, Boring Conversations, Space and Distance
Most Compatible
Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo,
Least Compatible
Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius,

A born wanderer Sagittarius is a lover of adventure, travel, and philosophy. They enjoy taking higher ideas and concepts and spreading them throughout the world. Creative, charismatic, and adventurous, Sagittarius makes an excellent addition to a partnership, if you can keep them in one place that is. Movement is essential for Sagittarius as their passions, pursuits, and interests are often changing and leading them on new adventures. Unfortunately, that means commitment, long-term partnership, and keeping their interest can be challenging.
Cuffing Season for a Sagittarius may look more like wandering off to a foreign land to pursue other seasons and concepts. Although they are lovers of learning depending on their other placements, cozying up indoors with a partner to plan their next adventure or philosophical pursuit might work well. If their physical environment is not in motion, their mental wheels definitely need to be turning.
Likes: Stealing From the Rich and Giving to the Poor, Philosophy, Travel, Higher Ideals
Dislikes: Feeling Trapped, Lower Vibes, the Concept of Time
Most Compatible
Aries, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius
Least Compatible
Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn

Have you checked your to-do list lately? If you’re a Capricorn you certainly have. Capricorns have perfected the art of efficiency and aren’t afraid to show it. They are fiercely determined and have incredible work ethic and perseverance. They love long-term commitments and can take the same dedication they show to their work life and apply it to their relationships if they choose to do so.
It is important for Capricorns to access their deeper emotions and remember to-do lists are great, but only when they achieve something real and lasting. Being busy for business’s sake serves no one. They are urged to remember what really matters in life, and that is their relationship with others. So this Cuffing Season encourages them to slow down and access those deeper emotions with the people they love. Put it on your to-do list.
Likes: Lists, Order, Tasks, Acts of Service Love Language
Dislikes: Chaos, Spontaneity, Improv Comedy
Most Compatible
Virgo(Soulmate Sign) Taurus, Cancer,
Least Compatible
Aries, Gemini, Sag

Aquarius, the great air sign lover of logic and learning! Aquarius is an air sign that specializes in teaching and spreading wisdom to the masses. They are always thinking up innovative new ways of thinking and being. They like to have a partner who does the same, or at least can keep up with their free-moving ways of thinking.
While they are very adept at understanding humanity as a whole, sometimes individual humans seem to baffle them. The emotional realm can cause them confusion and because of which they can become the kings/queens of avoidance. Rather than deal with a conflict head on they prefer to simply focus their attention elsewhere. While that certainly helps them avoid unnecessary drama, it can also cause partners to feel left out in the cold.
To ensure their fall season is as cozy as they may desire, they need to be very clear about what they need out of a partner and a relationship, including their need to be free and available to explore new ideas and sometimes locations.
Likes: Wisdom, Teaching, Innovative Enterprises,
Dislikes: Heavy Emotions, Conflict, Human Society
Most Compatible
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Least Compatible
Cancer, Taurus, Pisces

Pucker up– it’s time for Pisces! Pisces, the sign of the fish, and a water sign is also the sign of the psychic, the ethereal, and the great beyond. Whether that means what lies in the stars or what lies deep within us in our dreams, our subconscious, or our inner psyche, Pisces explores it all.
Pisces likes to be around others who share their interests and their love for the ethereal. They are highly intuitive and love exploring the emotional realms with a partner. A cozy cuffing season with a perfect pairing could be right up their alley as they dive into the realms of what makes their relationship so deep.
Likes/ Dislikes
Likes: Intuition, The Occult, Freud
Dislikes: Accounting, Taking Life Too Seriously, the Mundane
Most Compatible
Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus
Least Compatible
Capricorn, Aries Leo,
To Sum It Up…
Cuffing Season can be a time of chaos or a time of cozy assurances. The difference being an aligned perspective and partner pairing.
Taking a little extra time to get to know someone, let alone yourself, can make all the difference in the world…or stars.
With this all-inclusive guide now you can begin to direct your love life away from the musical chairs-like scramble of Cuffing Season and toward the comfy, pumpkin-scented candle aroma of love in the fall. 💋🍂